Who am I?

Michael Wonng

Michael Wonng(Wang)
A husband, father and software engineer in Melbourne. Follow me on twitter. Have a glance at my GitHub.

Lazy Michael

It's literally 5th time to migrate my blog again. This time is migrate from Gatsby.js to Org-mode, I also move to emacs as well with this chance.

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Working with tmux | 工作中使用 tmux

As now I'm working on NAB, the projects are based on AEM and using React as SPA. Because AEM require at least two service running and sometime we need a mockup server as well. so that's means I have to keep 3 service alive for backend. Totally have 4 service with Node instance.

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本篇为上一篇 猫本求职记之后续

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Job in Melbourne | 猫本求职记

在澳洲如果没有大学学习经验,直接找工作并不是意见特别容易的事情。可能遇到的不了解面试流程,面试习惯以及一些技术偏好。正好有这次机会,我就尽量的去面试了更多的公司,了解一下澳洲整体 IT 水平和市场。

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Life in Make it Mine

After i get the interview from Adam and Brett, I did a search about MIM's website and it's business. To my suprise, MIM sells products by weekly and it will pay 12 months. As a chinese, i calcuated immediately with 52 times by it's weekly price.

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